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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Barbara Cannon
Sarah Eyster planted a tree in memory of Barbara Cannon
Friday, December 29, 2023

Let these branches on this tree represent all the people Barb's life touched and loved and all the people who love her so dearly. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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David Jones uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 29, 2023


David Jones posted a condolence
Friday, December 29, 2023
MA- Great loving woman surrounded by great friends, amazing close knit family and loving Church. You will be missed. And we will see you again.
David Jones uploaded photo(s)
Friday, December 29, 2023




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Jan Morrow posted a condolence
Thursday, December 28, 2023
Barb was a great friend and neighbor for many years! I loved visiting with her when I would see her at the bank! She will be so missed! Keeping her family in my prayers!

A Memorial Tree was planted for Barbara Cannon
Thursday, December 28, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Edwards Funeral Home, Inc. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Barbara Cannon uploaded a photo
Thursday, December 28, 2023

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