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4 tree(s) planted in memory of Bonny Davis
Kathy Kennon and family planted 3 trees in memory of Bonny Davis
Monday, August 7, 2023
3 trees were planted in memory of
Bonny Frances Davis

Many prayers and hugs for each of you, she was precious. Love Kathy Kennon and family. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Judy Fite posted a condolence
Tuesday, August 15, 2023
I got acquainted with Bonny through my mother (Eunice Hurt), her former teacher who became a friend. What a treasure Bonny is in so many lives! She and her family sang at both my mother's and father's funerals, something I'll never forget. And her Handy School memories published in the P-N were superb. Never forgotten and always appreciated.
Patty Hunter posted a symbolic gesture
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Your mama was sweet as can be and will be missed by all. You’re all in my thoughts and prayers.
Sincere sympathy,
Patty Hunter
Mona Davis Eaton posted a condolence
Monday, August 7, 2023
To June, Johnny and family I am so sorry to hear of Mrs. Bonnys passing. I know she's in a much better place but that doesn't stop the love that we feel or the loss especially from her family.
I am so glad that I got to meet your mother and to hear her sing, I know you will continue to carry on the talents that she handed down to you and I pray that God will give you that extra warm feeling as you sing and play for Him.
I wish I could have been there but I have a brother that's sick and in the hospital not doing very good so I thought I had better stay close here. Pam invited me to ride with them but with my brother's condition I'm afraid to go very far.
I will be keeping you in my prayers.
Love yall,
Mona Davis Eaton
Betty Kelso posted a condolence
Monday, August 7, 2023
Ms. BONNY Thank You for being one of Our Teachers while We All attended Briar Oak Ridge Church.
One Big Family. Music and Bible Study. Eventually We went in Different directions.
We will All be together again in Heaven.
What a Glorious Happy Day that Will Be.
No tears here because I Know You are Happy and Healthy in the Arms Of God.
I STILL SING "WHEN THE WAGON WAS NEW" Aunt Polly and You I can still hear You singing.
Love to YOUR family.
The Kelso Family. Betty Kelso
Linda Richardson posted a condolence
Monday, August 7, 2023
Sister Bonny was such a wonderful friend / family to me and my husband for almost 21 years. We loved her and admired her for her sweet kind heart and her commitment to her Lord Jesus Christ and to her family .
We will cherish her memories until we see her again .
Jan Morrow posted a condolence
Monday, August 7, 2023
Bonnie was a wonderful lady! Sincere sympathy to all of the family! Keeping all of you in my prayers!
Barbara Pulliam Williams posted a condolence
Sunday, August 6, 2023
I want to express my condolences to June and the rest of the Davis family for their loss. I remember Mrs. Davis well and always admired her achievements. I always read her column in the PN and looked forward to it. I know you will all be comforted by the love and support she provided for so many years. My thoughts are with you at this time.
Brenda L Dickson posted a condolence
Sunday, August 6, 2023
So sorry for your loss. She was a precious, Christian lady.
Gail and Wayne Faries posted a condolence
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Going to miss this wonderful lady and friend. Our sympathy and prayers go out to her special family.
Terry Hinton posted a condolence
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Bonny was my second momma. She treated me just like her own daughter. I had so much love and respect for her. She was such a beautiful precious lady that did not know a stranger. I will miss you but this is not good-bye, it is I will see you again.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Bonny Davis
Saturday, August 5, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Edwards Funeral Home, Inc. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Rose Hall posted a condolence
Saturday, August 5, 2023
My condolences to the family. I remember Bonny and the family singing on the courthouse steps when I was a child. I rode the bus with Jim and June. Bonny was a treasure. May you all have comfort in the Lord.
Rose (Keen) Hall
Ozark, Missouri
The family of Bonny Frances Davis uploaded a photo
Friday, August 4, 2023

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Edwards Funeral Home, Inc.
606 Walnut
Doniphan, Missouri 63935
Phone: 573-996-2121
Fax: 1-888-231-2934
Email: edwardsfuneralhome@yahoo.com